Resurfacing works on William Morris Way

December 5, 2016

Good News: Crest will be undertaking re-surfacing works on William Morris Way…

The works will require the top surface of the carriageway to be removed and then replaced with a final layer of tarmac. This work is estimated to take three working days and is currently planned for w/c 12th December.  The working days will be 9am until 5pm to minimise disruption.

The works will be split into two phases to assist with traffic management. The plans show the planned works areas and route which would be required for diverted traffic between 9am and 5pm. The plans also show where traffic management marshals will be located to control traffic movements, note we are looking to have a marshal at each end of Webb Lane during the phase 1 and phase 2 works. These marshals would be in addition to the signage required to warn users of William Morris Way of the works going on.

The works will be subject to weather conditions, tarmac laying in cold weather is not possible. Crest will monitor the weather closely and re-arrange if the temperatures are too low. The week prior to these works Crest’s contractor will be replacing kerbs and manhole covers which have been identified as damaged in the phase 1 and 2 areas.

Crest do not plan to remove any speed bumps or the planters during these re-surfacing works to manage safety and vehicle speeds.