Women’s Institute (WI) at TGV
February 13, 2018
TADPOLE Garden Village resident Ann Fitzgerald is heading up a new Women’s Institute (WI) group, and is inviting residents to attend the inaugural meeting on Wednesday 7th March.
Ann has been a part of a Women’s Institute group before and is looking forward to being a part of its formation at Tadpole Garden Village.
Tell us your reasoning for starting a WI at Tadpole Garden Village?
When buying the house here I realised there may be interest in the community for a WI group so I asked around and there seemed to be genuine interest.
What are you hoping to achieve with the WI at TGV?
I’ve been a member of the WI for 16 years now and get so much from it in many ways. When I put a post on the TGV community group, I was shocked by the response by over 90 people so there’s obviously a need for friendship, learning, new experiences, trips etc.
Who can be a part of the group?
The WI has traditionally become part of the community and can enhance many aspects of it. Hopefully, with the help of WI set up advisors, we can flourish into a lively friendly group for the benefit of the whole community.
How can people join?
The Inaugural meeting Wednesday 7th March, 7-9pm at the Primary School, Greene Street. Membership is for ladies aged over 18 so come along and see for yourself if it’s for you.
If you are interested in joining and have any questions ahead of the first meeting, call Ann FitzGerald on 01793 703950.
About the WI
The Women’s Institute (WI) was formed in 1915 to revitalise rural communities and encourage women to become more involved in producing food during the First World War. Since then the organisation’s aims have broadened and the WI is now the largest voluntary women’s organisation in the UK. The WI celebrated its centenary in 2015 and currently has almost 220,000 members in approximately 6,300 WIs.
The WI plays a unique role in providing women with educational opportunities and the chance to build new skills, to take part in a wide variety of activities and to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities.