TGV Clubs & Groups
There are a number of established groups up and running within the Village, with residents invited to join.
Please find below a list of groups with the relevant contact details.
Ladies of Tadpole
The ‘Ladies of Tadpole’ social group – open for women of all ages in Tadpole Garden Village – meets at Tadpole Farm CE Primary Academy on the first Wednesday of every month from 7pm to 9pm. Membership is £30 per annum, and £2 per meeting. Speakers, quizzes and much more, a place for fun, forging friendships and enjoying tea, coffee and cake together!
For information please email ladiesoftadpole@gmail.com
TGV in Bloom
Run by residents Stu Olden and Pete Welsh, TGV in Bloom is a community focused group open to all residents with an interest in gardening, horticulture and the local environment.
Current activities include helping to maintain a community allotment, bulb planting and contributing to ways in which the colourful outlook of TGV can be improved and maintained.
For information please email tgvinbloom@yahoo.com
TGV for Sale, Free or Swap
An established Facebook group for buying, selling or swapping items within the Village.
Please click here.
TGV Allotments Community
There are several sites of allotments at TGV, with individual plots available on a yearly basis from Preim.
There is a Facebook group established for keen allotment keepers and gardeners here.
Tadpole Garden Vegas Poker Club
A newly set-up Poker group for residents.
Please click here.
TGV Carol Singers
Established over the 2018 festive season, this group of residents gathered to sing
Christmas Carols around the Village. Plans to repeat this for 2019.
Please click here.
TGV Cyclists
For bike riders. Road/mountain/unicycle – Talk to other residents and go for rides together.
Click here for more.
TGV Golf Society
A new, social golf society for those looking to take up the game or established players.
There are monthly meets at various clubs around the region, where the winner on the day awarded the Preim-sponsored TGV Golf Trophy, which stays with the winner until the next society day!
Contact: Craig Thompson
Further information here.
TGV Runners
Whether you are taking up running for the first time, getting back into fitness or preparing for a marathon, then there is a place for you with the TGV Runners.
Meets are held each Monday and Wednesday evening, 7pm outside Tadpole Farm Primary Academy.
Click here for more information.
Pilates at TGV
Swindon Pilates run a weekly session at Tadpole Farm CE Primary Academy with everyone welcome.
Classes are held on two evenings a week as detailed below and priced at £7 per session.
Thursdays: 6.30pm – 7.30pm OR Mondays: 7.15pm – 8.15pm Moredon Primary School
Please click here for further information.
For more information regarding any of the above, or for assistance setting up your own group, please contact Community Mobiliser Chris Tanner via chris.tanner@preim.co.uk