Residents donate to local charity
June 4, 2020
TADPOLE Garden Village residents have supported Scrapstore Swindon with a community donation of clothes, bedding and other items required.
Community Mobiliser, Chris Tanner, coordinated the donations with assistance from Crest Nicholson (South-West) – who also supported the initiative.
A considerable range of items was donated by residents, with a collection made by Scrapstore Swindon from TGV on Wednesday 3rd June.
About Scrapstore Swindon
Scrapstore Swindon is a low cost community resource centre and environmental charity that is home to a multitude of projects dedicated to releasing the untapped potential of all things, people and possibilities. An Aladdin’s cave of materials ready to stimulate your imagination. From Crafts to Furniture, Reclamations to DIY and Play – Scrapstore Swindon has something for you.
Visited as often by members of the general public as schools, community groups, child-minders, nurseries, colleges, students, youth groups, after school clubs, crafters, art and drama groups. We believe access to low cost creative materials and DIY resources should not be exclusive – its as simple as coming along.
Click here to visit the Scrapstore Swindon website.