How Community Mobilisers help create communities
Preim’s Community Mobilisers are an integral part of any fledgling community. They help newcomers meet and get to know their neighbours and help set up the community website, newsletters, social networking channels and forum groups. They are also instrumental in starting up social events such as country walks, summer picnics and other gatherings.
The aim is to encourage neighbourliness and build more socially aware and inclusive developments. Preim’s Community Mobilisers are very much part of the place making team, creating communities where people live, work and play.
Chris Tanner is the Community Mobiliser at Tadpole Garden Village and his job is to act as a signpost to local facilities and to address any community issues or field suggestions that may arise.
How can Tadpole Garden Village residents get in touch with Chris?
The first port of call for getting in touch is the residents’ forum. Visit tadpolegardenvillage.com and click on the forum tab. This is a private forum, for members at Tadpole Garden Village, so you will need your Preim resident login and password to access the forum. This was provided with your welcome pack.
Ask us any questions you may have about the community here, post your ideas for groups or get-togethers, or simply introduce yourself to your neighbours!
It is intended that the website becomes the hub for resident information, whether it’s about local wildlife or to learn about upcoming events.
Alternatively, Chris’ email is chris.tanner@preim.co.uk please do say ‘hello’ if you see me around.