Tadpole Farm CE Primary Academy comes to Tadpole Garden Village
Written by Jane Leo, Tadpole Farm CEPA head-teacher
September 2015
All of our growing school community is excited at the prospect of moving from our temporary building to the purpose built new school building in Tadpole Garden Village in September 2015, where we will grow into a true ‘village school’, while also serving the wider community.
The Tadpole Farm CE Primary Academy, as we are officially known, opened our nursery and Reception classes in September last year. Once we have moved, we will be growing year on year until 2017, when we will consider opening the rest of the year groups, up to age 11. Provision has been made for the additional classrooms we will then need.
Already, we are offering wraparound care and nursery lunchtime care. We are now beginning to plan for after school activity clubs including outdoor learning opportunities supported by the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, using the extensive green spaces of the development.
Our school is part of the family of Church Schools that make up the Diocese of Bristol Academy Trust, a growing Academy that puts the children at the heart of all we do and lives the vision of serving their whole community, regardless of belief.
Head Teacher Jane Leo says:
“As we move over to our new building the Academy will have the chance to help create a whole new village community as we will be the focal point of the development for some time to come.”