WWT host community Woodland Walk
Written by Sarah New, Lead Community Mobiliser
April 2016
On a clear sunny morning a small group from Tadpole Garden Village joined Rosie Sims of the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust to explore the woods that forms part of
the village.
Yomping across the field and just minutes after leaving the Rainbow School, we spotted a pair of Skylarks in the adjacent field that flew up vertically from the ground. Rosie explained that they were trying to distract attention away from their nest as we walked by – I had never really appreciated that Skylarks nest on the ground.
After navigating several very muddy puddles (wellies were definitely the footwear of the day!), we spotted a pair of buzzards circling overhead.
After entering the woods Rosie mobilised the group into making bird nests – all the children (with the exception of the youngest member – four weeks old
and sound asleep!) collected materials to assist the local bird life in making wonderful homes for their eggs. After which, we collected materials that Rosie
will keep and use to make the bug hotel planned for the school.
The group were then given sticky cards, which we covered in a variety of greenery, feathers, flowers – some randomly presented others formed into pictures
of butterflies or gardens.