building for future generations
Development news
Tadpole Garden Village Masterplan and associated documents can be found in the
As the weather improves, work will also be starting in late spring to finish off the middle sections of the Common along the front of the development.
All of these assets will be handed over to the CIC once they’re completely finished as Crest want to make sure no issues are inherited by the CIC.
Bus Service
A new bus route serving Tadpole Garden Village was launched at a community event on Sunday 6th November 2016.
Service 4 runs from from Tadpole Garden Village to the town centre via St Andrew’s Ridge and Cricklade Road.
Buses run every 30 minutes Monday to Saturday during the day. Perfect for commuting or a little retail therapy!
Click here for the latest times and information.
Bus shelters have also been installed outside the school and at either end of the development.
Play areas & allotments
Crest Nicholson have announced that they have experienced an issue with one of their contractors who has recently gone into administration and they are having to tender the completion of the play park and allotments. It is anticipated that a new contractor will be appointed shortly to complete the works and therefore the new estimated completion date is the end of Spring 2017.
For more details or for any queries regarding the above, please contact Sarah Foster, SF Planning Link, tel 01249 750168 or e-mail sarah@sfplanninglink.co.uk
Seeking a map of Tadpole Garden Village? Crest Nicholson have been working with GeoGeo to produce biannual birds-eye maps of the development, showing development progress, roads and features; view the TGV map here.