FOTF Forthcoming Events
March 5, 2019
TADPOLE Garden Village residents are welcome to attend any of the following events, which have been organised by the Friends of Tadpole Farm CE Primary Academy.
Friends of the Farm Quiz Night
When: Wednesday 20th March, 7pm
Where: Tadpole Farm CE Primary Academy
Teams up to 8. £3pp or pre-book a table for £20.
Drinks packages available to preorder email fotf@tadpolefarmcepa.co.uk to book a place.
£100 cash prize up for grabs.
Drinks and snacks will be available and we will can take cash and card payments.
Tadpole Scarecrow Trail
When: Saturday 4th – Saturday 11th May (3pm)
Where: Tadpole Garden Village
This week-long Scarecrow Trail event will see 30 scarecrows displayed for a week, culminating on Saturday 11th May with a ‘Superhero’s Unite’ event at the school where the winners of the Best Scarecrow and Completed Map Prize Draw will be announced.
Scarecrow maps will be available to purchase via sales offices throughout TGV and pupils can purchase from the school.
Do you run your own business and would like to advertise your company in every Trail map we sell for the inaugural TGV Scarecrow Trail in May?
FOTF are looking for 30 local businesses to support our FOTF event. For £15 you can be one of the sponsors. If you would like more details about this great opportunity please email.
FOTF Summer Fair
When: Saturday 29th June, 11.30am – 1.30pm
Where: Tadpole Farm CE Primary Academy
All the community is invited to our Summer Fair.
More information will be available closer to the time.
CONTACT: For further information on any of the above events please email fotf@tadpolefarmcepa.co.uk