Introduction to the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust
January 17, 2023
Hi Neil! What is Wiltshire Wildlife Trust and your role there?
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust.
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust was set up in 1962 to campaign and take action to protect the natural environment, the Trust has grown to become one of the UK’s leading environmental charities, working to create a sustainable future for wildlife and people. We are the only organisation in Wiltshire which is concerned with all aspects of the environment. Our work covers the unitary authority boundaries of Swindon and Wiltshire.
Our vision for Wiltshire and Swindon is simple; we need a sustainable future for wildlife and people. This means reversing the loss of wildlife, restoring ecosystems, using natural solutions to help tackle the climate crisis, halting toxic chemical use, reducing waste, using renewable resources, living within the limits of finite natural resources, conserving soils, protecting air and water quality, and providing opportunities for people to benefit from a healthy natural environment.
The Trust has 42 nature reserves covering c 1,200 ha., representing some of Wiltshire’s most important meadows, downland, woods, fen and other valuable wildlife habitats. The nature reserves have open public access.
Over the years, we have worked on various projects at Tadpole Garden Village. Some of you may remember Joanne Morris and the Naturehood project or perhaps your children have benefitted from the long running partnership with the local primary school and the Forest School Project. Others may recall planting seeds and plugs in the Coronation Meadows – it is very rewarding to see snakehead fritillaries flowering in the meadows thanks to your efforts.
Neil Pullen
I have worked for the Trust for over 20 years and my current role is that of Conservation Lead: Swindon. I work within the Conservation and Land Management (CLM) team and I am concerned with all things wildlife and nature conservation related on our nature reserves, including management plans, monitoring, conservation projects and working with nearby landowners within Swindon Borough. Tadpole Nature Park will fall into this role.
I also lead on the Swindon Forest Meadows Project. A project funded by Swindon Borough Council to better manage, create and enhance sites throughout Swindon Borough.
What is Wiltshire Wildlife Trust’s involvement at Tadpole?
Wiltshire Wildlife Trust will take on a 125-year lease on Tadpole Nature Park and manage the site as per the management plan drawn up as part of the planning application for Tadpole Garden Village. We will be responsible for managing and monitoring the site to ensure that the objectives set out in the plan are met.
In addition, we will host a series of events on and around the Nature Park, designed to ensure that local people are aware of the wildlife found there. For example, while we wait for the legal signing of the lease, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust have been working with Tadpole Farm CofE Primary Academy to delivery weekly Forest School activities. With a small group of volunteers, we have also conducted the occasional wildlife survey. We found 15 possible territories for skylarks in the wild flower meadow. More recently we found a good population of harvest mouse nests along with the eggs of a nationally scarce butterfly, the brown hairstreak. Our activities indicate the importance of Tadpole Nature Park for wildlife and for people.
What events are you planning to run in Tadpole?
As we move towards the signing of the lease document, we are in a position to start offering events that will allow us to introduce ourselves more fully to the community. We have already planned a couple of events in the New Year.
On Saturday 21st January 2023 at 14:00, we offer a guided walk. From the end of The Stray, as it enters the Nature Park, we shall walk through some of the habitats found on site, discuss their management and some of the wildlife found there (hopefully we may see some). This will be a gentle stroll and I am particularly keen to hear of any wildlife you see.
On Sunday 19th February at 10:00, we would like to run a practical task in the Nature Reserve. This will be an opportunity to be involved in the management of the site as we try to develop a local volunteer force. We shall wait to see exactly what the weather is doing, but we may be able to plant wildflower seeds amongst the newly planted trees.
To book a place at either event (essential) or for more details, please contact Neil Pullen at swindonforestmeadows@wiltshirewildlife.org
or see the event on Eventbrite:
Guided walk: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/505985003767
Conservation Task: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/505993408907