Plans Approved for TGV Local Centre
August 29, 2018
FOLLOWING the consultation on revised plans submitted earlier this month, Crest Nicholson is pleased to have received planning permission from Swindon Borough Council for the Tadpole Garden Village Local Centre. The decision notice can be found here.
The planning permission allows for the construction of five retail units and 22 apartments with associated parking and works are expected to start on site later this year.
Discussions are well advanced with a convenience retailer for the occupation of the larger retail unit and significant levels of interest have been received from other potential occupiers for the remaining units, one of which will be dedicated to the CIC.
All enquiries should be directed to the retained agents, Whitmarsh Lockhart, for the attention of Miles Cross via email.
For more information, the approved plans can be accessed here by searching the application reference S/RES/18/0801.