Play Area and Public Art Working Group Meeting
May 24, 2017
On Tuesday 23rd May the first Play Area and Public Art Working Group meeting was held at Tadpole Farm CE Primary Academy, with the community fielding four representatives.
The session focused on feedback from the community on the recently opened play areas as well as an opportunity to feed ideas and suggestions into the next play area which will be located centrally within the development.
The two-hour meeting was positive and very well received by all those who attended. Some key themes emerged on the existing facilities which Crest have agreed to review and some minor amendments were suggested to what looks to be an exciting new play area for the community.
Further meetings are being scheduled in to provide a forum in which the play areas and public art for the site can be discussed and delivered to meet the needs of the community. Further updates will follow on the start and completion dates of the play areas across the site.
In the meantime if you are interested in becoming a member of this working group, or would like to submit feedback or ideas regarding the play parks, please email Community Mobiliser Chris Tanner via chris.tanner@preim.co.uk