Residents join Great British Spring Clean
April 8, 2019
As part of the national Great British Spring Clean initiative, Tadpole Garden Village residents gathered on Sunday 7th April to take part in a clean-up.
The #GBSpringClean campaign encourages communities to stand together and declare that litter pollution, including single-use plastic – which degrades the beauty of our environment and threatens to harm wildlife – is not acceptable.
And TGV residents certainly did their bit with a determined effort on Sunday morning, scouring hedgerows, ditches and the edges of the lakes for a variety of rubbish.
Resident Tim Harris, who helped organise the event alongside Chris Tanner (Community Mobiliser), commented: “Thank you to everyone who came out to help Spring Clean the Village. From what we picked up, it looks like it was mostly accidental litter from the bi-weekly pre-recycling storms! We filled around 15 to 20 bags and it’s something we will look to do again to ensure Tadpole Garden Village retains the look and feel of a community we are proud of.”
To date, over 532,205 people have taken part in the Great British Spring Clean campaign, with more details available here.