Sports Pavilion plans and facilities
March 1, 2019
Following on from the latest steering group meeting held on Wednesday 23rd of January, a public exhibition event was held on Wednesday 27th of February to enable residents to view the proposals for the pavilion and associated facilities.
Hosted by representatives of Crest Strategic Projects (CSP), the public exhibition was well attended. Boards with the proposed scheme were displayed allowing residents to view the pavilion and setting out of the sports pitches, and detailed discussions allowed residents to ask questions.
Feedback forms were provided, enabling residents to leave comments on the proposed scheme. If you were unable to attend the event, CSP welcome your feedback, please email; andyshepley@davidjarvis.biz or post to the following address; David Jarvis Associates, 1 Tennyson Street, Swindon, SN1 5DT, by no later than Monday 4th March 2019.
Exhibition boards displayed at the event can be viewed here.
Once the application has been submitted to Swindon Borough Council, the full planning application will be available to review via the Swindon Borough Council planning portal.