TGVCIC – SUDs/Basin Works – Autumn 2021
October 1, 2021
Dear Residents,
As part of the Annual Maintenance works that Preim arrange on behalf of the TGVCIC, the water basins that form a part of the TGV Development SUDs (Sustainable Urban Drainage System) are due to have vegetation and reed clearance works undertaken on them. This is in line with the approved maintenance specification for the SUDs and the works will involve a team of three technicians hand removing up to a third of the vegetation and reeds. This is to ensure the Inlets and Outlets in the basins are functioning correctly and that the SUDs are maintained to perform efficiently when there is any heavy rainfall.
The works will commence on the 4th October 2021 and they will again be undertaken by a local contractor called Head Squared Aquatics, based in Faringdon, who completed the last set of SUDs works in June 2020. We anticipate that the works will take most of the week.
These works will be completed on the Western Part of the Eastern Common and The Stray. As part of the works specification following completion of the works the reeds and vegetation that have been removed will be left on the side of the water basins for between 48 – 72 hours. This is to allow any wildlife to leave the reeds/vegetation and return to the water. Please can all residents ensure that they leave the piles of vegetation alone. The TGVCIC landscapers will then remove them.
Residents will also note that works have started on the hedges that fall under the TGVCIC, Crest Nicholson Southwest will also be clearing their drainage ditches and SUDs ditches in the coming weeks and Preim will be scheduling in separate works to clear the top small basin on the Eastern Common and the drainage ditch that runs along the back of the farmers field on William Morris Way.
Should you have any queries then please contact the Preim Ltd Helpdesk.
Many Thanks
Simon New
TGVCIC Estate Manager