TGVCIC – SUDs Works August 2022
August 10, 2022
Dear Residents,
In October 2021 Preim organised the clearance of the TGVCIC SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage System) as part of the annual development maintenance. The SUDS are located around the Eastern Common and The Stray. Please see the initial works article below:
There was one basin located at the top of the Eastern Common, a smaller basin, where works were unable to proceed due to how wet the land around the basin becomes during the autumn and winter months. Due to the type of vegetation in the area machinery is required to clear the area and August was agreed as the ground will be at it’s firmest. The works are usually undertaken between Oct – Mar to avoid any possible nesting seasons, however this basin has been discussed and reviewed by ecologists and they will be undertaking a final inspection to ensure there are not any nesting birds or other wildlife located in the basin vegetation.
The works will start on Monday 15th August 2022 and will last for two days. The contractor undertaking the works is a company called Aquatic Solutions and they will be using a machine that will allow them to remove the vegetation fully but not damage the surrounding land. The main inlets and outlets and central areas running through the basin will be cleared, however the edges will not be cleared as it is not required to be clear in line with the landscape management specification. The vegetation removed from the central areas will be left on the edges and it will be mulched when the long grass is cut back later in the year.
Below is a marked plan showing the location of the works.
Should you have any queries please contact the Preim Ltd Helpdesk.