Vacancy: Community Mobiliser
December 17, 2020
Tadpole Garden Village is seeking to appoint a new Community Mobiliser from February 2021, as a successor to Chris Tanner, who is stepping down after four-and-a-half years in the role.
This part-time position will require the post holder to commit at least eight hours a week to the role, working with the Community Interest Company (CIC) and Preim on a range of exciting and varied projects and tasks.
The Community Mobiliser will work with the CIC and be an important contact for residents, community groups, businesses, clubs and schools.
Should residents be interested then please contact the Preim Ltd helpdesk, helpdesk@preim.co.uk or by phoning 01778 382210 option 3, Preim can then provide you with the full job specification and details regarding the application closing date.
Preim and the TGVCIC will be looking to create a shortlist of applicants by the end of December with a view to holding Zoom interviews in early January 2021.
Photo by TGV Resident, Shohini Dutta Kanungo