William Morris Event
February 28, 2019
The Blue Kite Academy Trust are hosting another event for William Morris Primary School – taking place on Monday 11th March (4.30pm onwards) at Abbey Meads Primary School.
William Morris Primary School is opening in September 2019 in a bespoke-built facility on William Morris Way, for reception and nursery aged children.
The event has been planned for parents/local residents to come along to meet the appointed headteacher, help finalise the school uniform and discover ways in which they can support the school through various roles, such as being a governor or a member of the PTA.
Nursery Applications
All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to free learning and care, in an early years setting from the start of the term following their third birthday. William Morris Primary School are accepting applications for nursery places, for September 2019.
Parents requiring a place for their child, will need to complete the application form. Completed applications can be emailed to bakerk@bluekitetrust.org.uk or posted to The Blue Kite Academy Trust, c/o Ferndale Primary and Nursery School, Wiltshire Avenue, Swindon, Wiltshire, SN2 1NX.
Children with birthdays falling between 1st September 2015 – 31st August 2016, the start date into our nursery class will be September 2019. If spaces become available in our nursery, we will offer an intake in January 2020 and April 2020, for children with birthdays falling between 1st September 2016 – 31st March 2017.
Please visit our website www.williammorrisnursery.co.uk for more information, and to download our application form and admissions policy.