TGVCIC – Handover of Assets Update
July 23, 2018
Since the previous site update your PREIM Ltd Estate Manager, Simon New, has been working alongside Crest Nicholson Strategic and Crest Nicholson South West to arrange handover of more communal assets on behalf of the TGVCIC.
Below is an updated list as to handed over assets that are now maintained via the TGVCIC service charge. Please follow the links for the associated plans for each area, these plans are also accessible via your PREIM Ltd resident portal.
Last September 2017 PREIM Ltd agreed handover of the following assets:
- The Eastern Common
- Phase 1C, 3 blocks of flats and the surrounding assets
As of the 16th July 2018 PREIM Ltd, on behalf of the TGVCIC, have taken handover of the following assets:
- The LEAP Play Area (by the Allotments on Phase 1C)
- The NEAP Play Area (on the Eastern Common)
- Two Blocks of flats within Phase 4.2
All the assets that are handed over from the developers to the TGVCIC are thoroughly snagged by PREIM Ltd, the majority of snags are completed prior to handover and any outstanding snags have an agreed time scale for completion. At present there are only two outstanding snags on the NEAP and these have a timescale to be completed by the end of July, these snags are:
- To repair, reset with concrete and make the Blocked footpath good in the area leading to the NEAP.
- To fit climbing grips to the wooden walls as per the original design, rubber flooring to be placed below the grip locations
Outside of the remaining snags the area is fit for maintenance by the TGVCIC.
Regarding the handover of the blocks of flats within Phase 4.2, PREIM Ltd will be issuing a detailed letter to the residents living within the blocks and holding an introduction meeting in September 2018.
Future Assets to be handed over
Currently PREIM Ltd are in discussions with Crest Nicholson South West to take handover of Phase 1A. However, there are still a number of landscaping snags which need to be addressed by Crest Nicholson South West before handover can be accepted. The only area within Phase 1A that the TGVCIC presently maintains is the crescent area behind the bus stop on William Morris Way.
Hopefully this year and into 2019 we will also see handover of the following assets into TGVCIC:
- The Stray
- Phase 1B
- Phase 2 (Evolve)
As with all other phases these will be snagged and no handover will take place until the areas are in a suitable condition.
TGVCIC – Maintenance of Handed Over Assets Update
At present the grounds maintenance for the communal green spaces that are the responsibility of the TGVCIC is undertaken by ‘Cut ‘n’ Clear Landscapes Ltd’. Currently, Cut ‘n’ Clear visit site twice a week, where there will be a team of two operatives maintaining the communal grass areas. There is also one additional operative that attends site once per week to empty the waste bins on TGVCIC land.
Hedges, Shrub Beds & Trees
The hedges on all areas that are managed by the TGVCIC are due to be cut in September and will be cut on an annual basis as per the maintenance specification. In August 2018 there will be an arboriculturalist attending site to undertake the first TGVCIC tree survey. This will be to identify any trees that are a hazard to residents and properties, and to identify any trees that are diseased, dead or dying. Residents living in the areas where the tree and hedge works are required will be notified prior to any works taking place.
Shrub beds that fall under the TGVCIC management are pruned regularly and any weeds are removed. Heavy pruning of the beds will take place each winter, and following this summer all the shrub beds will be inspected to see whether any shrubs need removing, replacing or new shrubs planted in their place if required.
Eastern Common, LEAP & NEAP, Phase 1A Crescent
Grass Cutting
These areas are cut on a weekly basis, the grass arisings are left on site, however due to the frequency of the cut the areas look well maintained. The grass cutting schedule is in line with the recommended landscaping specification. However, this is also dependent on the weather. When it is hot and dry as it currently is, the grass may not need to be cut as often. Likewise, when it is very wet there are areas on the Eastern Common where it is not practical to place large machinery on to the grass as this will cause damage.
Phase 1C and Phase 4.2 Blocks of Flats
Grass Cutting
The grass cutting frequency for the lawns around the flats is fortnightly, with the grass being collected and taken off site. This schedule of cutting will ensure the external areas of the flats remain neat and tidy. At present the TGVCIC will only be maintaining the grass areas around the blocks of flats, all other parts of Phase 4.2 will still be under the maintenance of the developer.
Play Areas
Both the LEAP and the NEAP have been ROSPA approved and the PREIM Ltd have received all the necessary documentation to effectively maintain the equipment. The grounds maintenance team will undertake weekly visual inspections to the equipment and monitor the bark mulch level to ensure it is kept at an adequate level and depth. There will be a weekly inspection sheet that the grounds maintenance team complete, this will be available via the PREIM resident portal website.
On top of the weekly visual inspection there will be an annual play area survey undertaken by an approved independent surveyor. Again, this survey will be available for residents to see via the portal website, the annual survey will indicate any future works that are required. Should any residents see any damage or faults with play equipment then please report this to PREIM Ltd as soon as possible.
As per the above and the attached plans, these are the only areas at present that fall under maintenance of the TGVCIC and PREIM acting on their behalf. All other areas across the development are still with their respective developers and the TGVCIC service charge is not used to maintain those areas.
For and on behalf of the Tadpole Garden Village Community Interest Company
Simon New
Account Manager, PREIM Limited
Supporting Documents:
Eastern Common Plan – Services
LEAP Plan Phase 1
NEAP Plan Phase 1
Phase 1A Plan
Phase 1C Conveyance Plan
Plase 4.2 Conveyance Plan